As the wild wild web is really packed up with every sort of blog, it wasn't an easy task to find websites which could look both interesting and helpful at the same time. In the end, this is what I've come up with:
- http://www.politics1.com/ : like we all know there's al lot going on in the US because of the presidential elections and I thought it might be interesting to find out what Americans say about it. This blog is not just made up of comments but also of up-to-date information about the latest results of the campaign.
- http://www.cinemablend.com/ : and now something a bit more relaxing. This blog is not only about the latest films across cinemas but it also provides much much more like news, forums and comments on the newest DVDs. I suggest that you take a look at it if you are somehow interested in cinema or simply curious to now what's coming up on the market. Have fun!
This tour around the blogosphere made me understand that blogs have some features in common: they are written in a very personal style and the language used is very close to spoken and everyday English. This seems quite natural to me, as people who write for themselves and others aim at being immediately understood by their readers and try to appeal to them through a conversational style.
The use of links is essential to all bloggers who want to share more than just words and need to make reference to other websites or to different kinds of material (like podcasts).
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