Hi everybody!
I decided to post this image on my blog because it represents one of my favourite hobbies: salsa dancing. It all began by chance - as it always does with special things - when I still was at high school. Not only is it a very good way of doing some sports (we all need it after all, don't we?) but also a way of relaxing and find new energies. There's nothing better than a binge-salsa night to recover from a long and tiring exam session. Let's not forget that you can also meet loads of interesting people ;)
As far as my favourite websites are concerned, you can find them on left of the page under "my hotspots". I chose them because they are the best way to keep in touch with all the people I met during my erasmus period (I've just come back from Austria). Especially with facebook, you have the chance to send nice gifts to all your acquaintances, poke them, be reminded of their bithdays and take funny tests. With Studiverzeichnis instead, I can contact my Austrian friends who don't have an account on facebook and see how things are going at the University of Klagenfurt.
That was all