Due to the absence of my usual partner Rachel, this time I skyped with Ashley (who found herself without a partner too). As it was our first talk, we started by introducing ourselves. So I found out that she is in her first year and her major is archeology. Our first topic was the Easter (or spring) break: she asked me what people usually do on Easter Monday. I explained that we meet up with our friends and take a trip to the hills around Padova, we play soccer, eat, drink and, above all, have a good time!
We had the occasion to compare comedy in the English and Italian culture through two milestones of this genre: on the one hand Monty Python and on the other hand the "Fantozzi" series. Because the English series is almost unknown in Italy and viceversa, we came to the conclusion that comedy is deeply culture-bound and, therefore, people from different countries laugh in different ways. I suggested Ashely that she should take a look at what's available on youtube regarding the most famous "ragioniere" of the 80's. Being a cult series, I think it can be a good occasion to deepen her knowledge of Italian culture. Hope she enjoyed it.